Winter Tree
Light some candles, curl up in a blanket, rest by the fire with my lates poem from December 13.
Winter Tree
By the fire I sit
unrestful with winter
knocking at the door
Should I be brooding,
in the dark un-turn
what was made before
Or should I be seeding
a new tree breeding
in the apple grove
Winter darkness
I am learnt by your
promises, the old wise
women tells how
the story unfolds,
of what the Earth is
turning inside her
as winter goes
But what of a heart
that longs of itself,
a field og wild unknowing
trying to break free
The story of winter
has grown tired
in its own light
What if this heart of mine
wants the new to spring
forth to flower and bloom
in the winter moon
Oh women of old
lay down your worn
old clothes, come
dance with us
into a whole new world
where even your stories
too, will be untold
Where your old skirts
are turned in the
ecstasy of your swirl
into a priceless
new metal that
outshines even the
rigid apple hanging
on its winter tree
© MajBrit Jo Arnested
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