#37 Monday Morning Coffee Post

What are the stories you tell yourself about who you are and your place in the world? 

It is interesting to notice cause it might not fit with what really is, actually mostly it doesn't. We all come to listen to the media about what is good, popular, accepted. But if we stop for a moment and notice we can make a decision as to whether it is true for us or if something else is waiting to be collected by us, something that might carry our life in way that just fits more. Not better, not worse, just more right, in tune sort of. 

This doesn't mean we will not experience pain or bad times or that everything miraculously will perfect and you'll be happy ever after. But it does mean that something else can reach you, something that has been waiting to reach you all your life: Life itself with its ebb and flow and all your fellow residents of this earth that you live beside every day but hardly take notice of. 

David Whyte who explores this theme a lot says it perfectly when he asks us to 'arrive at our own feet'. 


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