#47 Monday Morning Coffee Post

When fire is grounded in the creative it becomes all that you see around you. Fire embedded in earth is matter. When fire is not grounded in earth it roams wild and free and as beautiful and mesmerizing as it is, as destructive it can be. When fire ignites our passion we have to carefully ground it in the earth, to the matter of our being, to our body. To much passion that has no grounded outlet makes us crazy. On the other hand if we do not use our passion, if it does not get an outlet, it festers in the body and causes illness and ailments. So you think it would be a matter of striking that balance alone but it is not. We also need to attend and live in the cauldron that surrounds us. Society of man has become a confining and restricting place. It does not permit or condone fire. So what is fire to do? 

The internal fire builds up and it will, as all natural forces have to, find the cracks to seep and flame through or it will burst open everything and no one or nothing will be able to live. Fire lies at the heart of earth as it lies at the heart of man. 


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