#44 Monday Morning Coffee Post

In the light of this weeks breach in the curtain consider this

How soon will we figure out that countries are a man made configuration and that the round planet we live in have no concept of boarders on its own. The water doesn't stop flowing cause it reaches a man-made boarder and the wind certainly doesn’t care about the mark between one country and the next! The wolf and the ladybug alike don't give a damn about the line in the sand. Why are humans the atypical of nature in this way? 

This is not about being pro or con globalisation! If anything this is about being pro Life. Life has its own governing body with its own inherent heart and intelligence, which is what the water, the wind, the wolf and the ladybug answer to. 

Humans need to grow up and figure out that there are no corners to hide in on a round planet!


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