#55 Monday Morning Coffee Post

In our society there is never a good or convenient time to slow down and listen to your body and its natural surroundings. We're spun around a false clock tick'ing to its tock! Our mere participation is actually what makes the clock tick! But it is not so easy to stand out of the clock-society, is it?  We have obligations; paying rent, family responsibilities and social conduct to keep up etc. We're vulnerable now, cause we don't know how to survive in the little wild that is left. But maybe jumping outside clock's territory isn't the point. Maybe playing from the inside is what the clock-society is most vulnerable to. Not creating more duality; us against them, inside or outside, but by standing within society in the most gently possible way to yourself. Just humming lightly along its crazy tune whilst always at the forefront of your mind and heart have the awareness, that it is not real. It is not what Kronos or Saturn had intended to begin with, I think! There is a bigger time; a time that the planets and stars dance too. Think about that this Monday morning! Think about it as you go along your normal Monday minutes. Maybe all of this human made craziness isn't really necessary but don't take my word for it. Try feeling your body, sensing it from within, engaging it with curiosity, feel it without judging anything. How does your body feel about clockwork? Sink in deeper, just for a minute, how does your body feel at any rate? What would be its wisdom, where is it seated and how does it communicate with you? Which time do your body answer to?


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