A Fox's Welcome!
I had just moved into my
new house! It is the kind of house that hates being abandoned, yet it's closest
neighbour are the horses in the field from the farm next door. Nobody had lived
here for almost a year! That is besides the four mice that seemed to have taken
over the duties of keeping this house company.
It was January, it was cold
and the snow was thick and white all around. One early morning I got up to
watch the sunrise. Sometimes this far North the only time you can get to see
the sun at all, is in between sunrise and the clouds hanging in the sky.
However, this remarkable morning there were no clouds at all. As I was watching
the light grow from my window an amazing chase began.

The foxed stopped, let out a little air and turned right back. Yet none of his self-confidence had seemed to leave him! He slowed down and began exploring the area that divides my grounds with the fields. He was right beside my window hideout. As there was no foliage I could clearly see him strutting about with loose paws, a high knee bend and a high held facial pose. He looked as to equally enjoy the snow and the increasing warmth of the suns rays. He sniffed a bit in the snow and his coat seemed as if it were on fire in the glow of the rising sun. A fire that was matched in the bright burning in his orange eyes. He gently but with full confidence still, trotted back from where he had first come chasing that hare. I followed him around the house and hoped it wasn't the last time he would show himself off like that.
It was a magical moment
that printed itself into my heart. The fire of his eyes and the absolute
brimming of his coat still haunt me- in the best way possible J
What a welcome it was into a new house and a new area. This was back in 2012.
*picture credit: <a href="http://www.free-picture.net/animals/foxes/fox_1383815183.jpg.html" title="fox">fox</a> on <a href="http://www.free-picture.net" title="Free Picture">Free pictures</a>
beautiful tale