The Land Greeting The Full Moon!

Tonight with the full snow moon, a lunar eclipse and a comet passing on the night sky all at once, I remember another incredible full moon rising over Santa Fe, New Mexico about 5 years ago. The poem below, Forget My Face, came out of the Land to greet the moon and speak to the soft gusts of wind. My skin still remember the warm air gently licking my body. The Land in this area has a very soft feminine character, and is know for having inspired artist for hundreds of years. This is how it is with certain places. It is what the Land holds that comes through us as human beings, if we let it. Some will have to listen intently for it to emerge, others will have it emerge through them instinctually maybe even without them knowing that it is the Land speaking through them. 

Even though this land is eminent with the soft feminine it is also dessert land, harsh land and barren land. The soft feminine with her amazing dessert blooms in the full moon light also holds another reality of aridness and dry seeds unable to sprout unless the rain will grace it at some point. In other words this land cannot bloom unless the Beloved, who is the creator of all, decides to send the blessing of rain upon it.

So from one full moon to the next I share this poem of the Land with you tonight!

Forget My Face

I am but wet paint
for your brush
to your creating stroke

Paint my breasts
to become the mountains
My face
to become the night sky

Let your brush
smear my torso
to mix with the sacred Earth
Make my womb
a place of birth
for flowers,
that carry your scent

Color my legs
to honor my Ancestors 
and let my feet
be the roots,
that mix with theirs

Forget me 
as I become
the fabric of existence 
but find me again
in the night
of your eternal light

© MajBrit Jo Arnested


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