#60 Monday Morning Coffee Post

Our depth of awareness of the environment; the land, the trees, the soil, the wind and the animals living there etc. is not entirely up to us. Yes, we can practice quieting down getting in touch with our instincts increase our body awareness through heightened senses but there is also a somewhat forgotten principle. That is the principle of individuation. An individuation in nature is granted by the forces of nature! Almost as if they, the surrounding elements, decide that your heart is now ready to be taken deeper. It is as if they are waiting for the moment that you through your actions, thoughts and beingness have proven yourself so trustworthy to them that they will allow you one step closer to their secrets. In the individuation moment they trust that you will not take those secrets and use them for personal gain but take the experience they give you to a much closer level of intimacy. They invite you back into their garden, lifting some of their veils, so you are able to sense their being on an even deeper and more connected level. What I am saying is this; that it is not entirely up to you how deep you go, someone else is having a say in that and that someone is the collected nature surrounding you; the beings that has observed you for years. It is an intelligence much more evolved than any singular human being and yet as a human being we are also a part of that intelligence. 


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