Eulogy - the last male Northern White Rhino
STR/AP This hits my heart with sadness but also with some reassurance as this species have decided to leave Earth for good. These gentle giants is a great loss to humanity and the rest of the world. We never really understood their nature; what their very specific qualities brought to us on this Earth. Their spirit held a very special lesson for us, it still does, though that lesson is somewhat altered or covered over at this stage. Their original message was lost 10-20 years ago. The species collected sadness of their brutal hunting and treatment from the human race, not just to them alone as a species, but for all the harm that we humans have subjected on our natural surroundings and the greater animal community. The way we treat the Rhino exemplified our utterly greedy and cruel ways. We methodologically hunt them not just slaying them but torturing them cruelly too. It was just too much for them in the end and so they collectively decided to leave. I wrote about thei...